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2017高考英语听力题型训练(含答案) 历年英语听力真题


高考第二轮复习是进行专题训练,分模块掌握高中所学知识。在高考英语听力题型训练中,大家首先要把基本概念理解到位,然后配合题型训练更好地掌握模块精髓。下面是读书学习网小编整理的《2017高考英语听力题型训练(含答案) 历年英语听力真题》,供参考。




1.What does the woman think of cloning?

A.It has no side effect at all.

B.It sh ould be strictly forbidden.

C.It may cause trouble for h umans.

2.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Friends. B.Husband and wife. C.Teacher and student.

3.What do they hope to do?

A.Stop cigarette production.

B.Advise peop le not to smoke.

C.Stop young people smoking.

4.What teacher are they talking about?

A.Their Chinese teacher.

B.Their history teacher.

C.Their politics teacher.

5.What does the man think the weather will be like in April?

A.Cool. B.Hot. C.Windy.



M:What do you think of cloning?

W:No doubt it’s a great inve选自.读书学习网上补课1对1 www.dushuv.com ntion.But if it’s not properly handled,it may have some side effects.

M:What do scientists say about it?

W:They also have different opinions.

(Text 2)

M:Hi,Mary.Very glad to see you here.

W:Hi,Robert,I’m gl ad to see you here,too.

M:Your bike is so beautiful.Where was it made?

W:In China.

(Text 3)

W:Cigarette production should be considered illegal.Wouldn’t you agree with me?

M:Absolu tely,if no one produces them,people won’t smoke.That is for sure.

W:You are right.

(Text 4)

M:Do you like our new history teacher?

W:I’m tired of his endless talking.He never gives us a little time to discuss things.

M:You can’t say that!He’s a very knowledgeable person.

W:But I can’t see it.

(Text 5)

W:What’s the temperature today?

M:It’s fifteen degree centigrade.

W:Another cool day,isn’t it?I wonder how long this comfortable weather will last.

M:It’s just March.It will be hotter next month.


以上《2017高考英语听力题型训练(含答案) 历年英语听力真题》由读书学习网小编整理。建议同学们在英语复习过程中多思考,多从做题中摸索并总结规律。答题时,字迹要清晰,万一答错只需要在错误答案上划条斜线即可,并在指定位置写上正确答案。





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